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The AOL Trance Is Broken

July 4, 2010
By Former AOL Patient

You know in AOL, we used to have the habit of thanking people who introduced us to the ‘path’. I used to do that whole heartedly with gratitude. I was even doing this after 12 years into AOL.

For many years I served several Swamis, Rishis and women teachers. I know many of them very closely. They all know me very well too as a sincere devotee. For a ‘sincere knowledge seeker’ a Swami or Rishi was the ultimate exemplar of a devotee (sadly, there are no titles for women in AOL). But the reality was something else. The highest thing to be achieved in AOL was to become a Trustee.

I was in blissful ignorance about the organization, just focusing on seva, satsang, sadhana, etc. The first time I was hit with a brick in the head was about five years back. I saw right in front of me, people responsible for a particular trust openly discuss how to fudge the numbers and hide things from the auditor. The scale of what they were doing was big. From their discussion, I also came to know that not only SSRS was fully aware of these, he has instructed that it was OK to do so as it was for a good cause. The meeting went on for a while and I vividly remember how I felt during that meeting – disbelief, confusion, self-doubt, betrayal. The few other inner-circle volunteers for this trust who were in that meeting all distanced themselves from these trustees (and even AOL) by giving various excuses. But I stayed and tried to ignore these and just focus on self-knowledge.

From then on, I started observing closely and after many years I am fully convinced that AOL is front-end name for a group of fraudulent NGOs. My lawyer tells me that what they are doing amounts to large-scale organized fraud according to the laws of several countries. The most important ‘knowledge point’ that AOL practices is Fake It Till You Make It. This cancer has been introduced into many activities by SSRS himself.

Then I saw the way APEX bodies were given collection targets during the AOL 25 year silver jubilee. How good-intentioned volunteers were working hard to sell every inch of space for advertisers in the many local events during the 25 year.

The inner-circle of so called Swamis and Rishis openly talk about the various trusts as a profitable trust or a loss making trust. The trust established for monetizing Poojas is by the way one among the many profitable trusts – Navratri alone is conducted in more than 26 locations using a franchisee model. Cities covered as part of this are added or dropped depending on their profitability. The local APEX body suckers are told, Ashram will not send Swamis for Navaratri to some cities as the volunteers did not do a good job of organizing last time – which means that the profits were not as expected. I have also had the misfortune of having first hand listened to conversations between Swamis like “how was the collection in your city?”.

The internal collection target that has been set for the SS University in Orissa is a staggering Rupees 5000 crores – more than one billion dollars. They are already in touch with people who specialize in lobbying with governments for funds. How much does it take to run Stanford, Harvard and CMU put together?

I could tell you several dozen personal experiences like this. But enough of this shit. It is repulsive to recollect these.

Having come across one after another of these damn experiences over years, I was thoroughly disgusted, totally drained out. I had no where to go. No one to look up to. I was only blaming myself for having spent so long in this organization. I was disgusted with myself that I took so long to see through their fraud. I had lost confidence in my abilities.

Fortunately for me, other things happened in my life that started helping me to recover from AOL. It took a long time, but I now lead a simple and contented life without AOL. I don’t even remotely feel like doing Sadhana. I am allergic to Bhajans, especially AOL ones. Those are just two of the many slow poisoning drugs that keep trapped people in AOL. But I have not lost my wonder at the mysteries of the world. I look up at the stars in the skies and wonder who we are. I wonder at the innumerable body and mind functions that happen within us and wonder how beautiful it is that they happen the way they do. That’s how I was before AOL!

But what worries me is the number of people still trapped in AOL trance. Many of my close friends and some family members are there. Many of them got introduced to this shit through me. Now I no longer recommend AOL to anyone. In fact, I go out of my way to protect people I know from falling into this sewage.

I care a damn about whether AOL’s fraud gets exposed or not. All I care is for a bunch of people who I unwittingly brought into this.

To go back to what I started writing… Sometime back a person who I brought to AOL called and thanked me. She told with much gratefulness that she is an AOL teacher now. I felt deeply guilty – like I had committed some terrible crime – and sincerely apologized for having introduced her to AOL. Then I called the person who introduced me to AOL and told what I did. Now I only have sympathy for this sincere person, not gratitude.

To AOL inner circle people:
Do you recollect how SSRS used to say that a scam is about to be deliberately engineered by the divine in order to test the strengths of sincere devotees? And that many people will go away from the path. And only the most devoted would remain. I used to sincerely believe this crap and used to pray that I should be one of those whose faith should remain unshaken, no matter what. Now I laugh at my foolishness!

  1. Answering Financial Concerns from Art of Living-Fair Unbiased View permalink
    July 4, 2010 9:08 am

    (aka KLIM-Student wrote:)
    While I stick to not responding to any abusive statements, I am willing to provide some clarification

    1. Do go back to the trust and ask for the records-Go to the auditors and double check with them. Most accounts are evaluated by multiple auditors. If there is any discrepancy, hold AoL accountable for paying back. I think most trusts would be open for this if it comes from a genuine and honest source. Overhearing some conversations from people or someone saying “SSRS authorized this” is not a fair way to evaluate this. How many times have we heard people say -“Oh guruji told me to do this…” when it was never true.
    2. Silver Jubilee cost money to conduct-Targets may be gross and possibly inappropriate words for this but . SSRS does not get any glory from the Silver Jubilee. At many forums he publicly acknowledges that only the Volunteers deserve the credit for doing this.
    3. Not sure where the 1B$ comes from but the intent of Sri Sri University is to be a world class university and that definitely needs funds.

    One thing I would acknowledge though-This is an organization really run mostly by volunteers and is done in the best of faith. If there are items which are of concern bring them up at the right time and for sure many items can be addressed.

    I can narrate one incident where a teacher in the United States got Guru Dakshina from his students and wanted to bring the money to India. This obviously was not correct and nor was the teacher aware of FEMA regulations etc. Once this came up as a concern from the local volunteers i that area, it was sorted out at the right levels and the right thing was done.

    • Peaceful Warrior permalink
      July 4, 2010 11:47 am

      It is difficult to judge bias in this case . AOL people start with the assumption that SSRS is above board (and only volunteers are to blame for mistakes) – but to be really unbaised is to accept the possibility that SSRS may be guilty of fraud himself.

      Going back to the original post – Sri Sri and teachers often claim that money from courses is used in social projects. In fact this line is used in almost all intro talks to convince people to sign up.

      1. This is a blatant lie. We all know the money for the courses is not used in service projects. I’m doubtful that it is used to support full time teachers – as they live on a very small stipend.

      2. Money is raised for care for children, but hardly any growth is seen in the size of ashram school – definitely not commensurate with the size of AOL.

      3. Can you provide a list of all the trusts that AOL operates and the accounting firms that audit these accounts ?

      3. You cannot separate HHSSRS from what’s going on in the organization. AOL is not a democracy – HHSSRS is the dictator running the show – he takes the credit and the blame.

      and FYI – he does get the glory from silver jubilee – TV cameras focussed on him for 3 days, with dignitaries from all across the world giving speeches in his praise. There was very little celebration, and lots of speeches. I for one felt cheated – being conned to come from all the way to india to witness few political speeches- but i’ll let that one slide.

    • Anon permalink
      July 4, 2010 6:12 pm

      More than funds a world class university needs world class faculty – something Sri Sri is unlikely to attract. Faculty need intellectual freedom – something that is unlikely to happen in the dogmatic world of AOL. Plus, good faculty will need incentive – bright students, solid reputation and the ability to commercialize inventions and make profit for them. It will end up becoming an IT, medical and management training college.

      Harvard and Stanford were not built in a day. They have earned their reputation by continued excellence by faculty and students. The founders and management have little to do with their success.

      HHSSRS is not the first saint to start a university – mmy, swami rama, amma – all have started universities in the past and all of them have turned out to be duds. Plus his schools have not been great either – the promise is only on paper. How can people trust AOL to run a university, when it does not have a track record of running anything.

      • Vasudeva permalink
        July 5, 2010 8:11 am

        In India there are several deemed universities. In the last ten years they have increased. Many institutions who used to run engineering, medical and MBA colleges have now got the status of deemed universities. Usually they are all caste and religion based universities. Their objective is to make more money from the ever growing Indian middle class. Ravi Ravi is getting into this university business a little bit late. However there is promise of good money here.
        The intellectual standards of these so called universtities are pathetic to say the least. I had one experience with Ammach’s university near coimbatore. They are basically feudal organizations where free thinking is foreign. The vice chancellor of the university has to fall at the feet of Amma. Any professor, teacher who expresses even a small doubt againt amma will be ejected quickly and uncermoniously. I can sense Sri Sri university will be the same if not worse.

  2. exaol teacher permalink
    July 4, 2010 11:11 am

    the accounts of satyam computer was also audited by one of the best audit companies in the world, but in India fudging any data is possible and i can also confirm due to my very long association that money is collected in various form to fool the tax authorities in the country

  3. Answering Financial Concerns from Art of Living-Fair Unbiased View permalink
    July 4, 2010 7:01 pm

    (aka KLIM-Student wrote:)
    I will stick to the issues.

    1. Course fees going to service projects only is totally not true. In many cases, it definitely does, especially for donations made outside course fees. Sri Sri has clearly mentioned that in many cases course fees is also used for administrative purposes as well. For example, the new Los Angeles Center costs thousands of dollars to maintain every month. Centers and Ashrams are white elephants. Full Time teachers get decent stipends and their accomodation, food and travel expenses are taken care of. They are also provided health insurance in many countries where needed.

    Many details of service are clearly documented in the service wing- IAHV. This is recognized as a “best in america” charity.

    A recent example of an activity where a single dime is not charged but is the YES High School Kids program.

    2. The ashram school not growing is definitely not true. There is at least 25-30% growth y/y.

    3. In India, for any particular queries on any financials, write to and you will be directed to the necessary process required per law to obtain information. In the United States and many other countries most of this information is available from various sources including GuideStar

    4. SSRS being a dictator etc., looking for recognition is a matter of opinion. There are more than enough counter examples as well. Things like these which start to border on opinions.

    5. Statements like the one on Satyam was exposed as a fraud are moot. Assuming that everything is wrong or SSRS is a fraud cannot be a starting point for a healthy discussion-It becomes a pure offensive/defensive ploy. In India and in every country, anyone has the right and the full authority to take anyone to court over any issues. No one is stopping anyone from any legal action if something was found incorrect.

    • goneagain permalink
      July 6, 2010 3:20 am

      Fair and Unbiased from RS lackey is funny; it is as good as Nithy’s interview by his lackey Rajiv malhotra (Am I only one seeing similarities between RS and Nithy?). At least Nithy had guts to let his PR man show/introduce him (interestingly nobody knew his lackey as a journalist before that interview); RS is even hiding his lackey under anonymous name.

    • Peaceful Warrior permalink
      July 6, 2010 4:49 am

      1. In case ashram school is growing by 25-30% – Care for children should have some details about growth etc. right ? These things are so self-evident that a critic should not need to point them out. They must show some degree of accountability to sponsors. Mostly all we see are wishy washy numbers – like Art of Living courses having benifitted 300 million people – or 100000 villages adopted. Ya right – those are bogus claims.

      2. Don’t believe the thing about centers being funded by courses from outside. Centers are self-sustaining – A center in a major metropolitan area would bring in enough cash to cover expenses and more. I’m guessing non-profits are exempt from property tax. There is no mortgage – so it’s only water and electricity.

      3. Is this best in america charity like the commendations we got for sri sri from mayors of different towns ?

      4. I don’t think IAHV is funded through art of living. They get their money from grants and donations from AOL members. So money from courses is not used in service projects. Mostly, it is the initiative of the teacher or the volunteer – they are the ones to raise cash. Sri Sri comes in for the photo-op. Don’t tell me paying for his plane ticket to disaster site is charity.

  4. Sincere Seeker permalink
    July 4, 2010 7:27 pm

    Dear Former AoL Patient,
    I would really appreciate it you could contact me.
    I too have several very close friends and family members in AOL and many millions who have given money and their entire lives to AoL.
    Please contact me through the blog owner.
    I would like to share something with you offline. Thanks!

    Attn: Sincere Seeker

  5. mojo permalink
    July 4, 2010 11:14 pm

    Answering Financial Concerns from Art of Living-Fair Unbiased View

    Question- Are you part of this movement? Are you deeply involved or on the periphery ? Fair and unbiased view can only happen if you were never involved with AoL.

  6. Abhilash Shastry permalink
    July 5, 2010 5:29 am

    “Assuming that everything is wrong or SSRS is a fraud cannot be a starting point for a healthy discussion-It becomes a pure offensive/defensive ploy. In India and in every country, anyone has the right and the full authority to take anyone to court over any issues. No one is stopping anyone from any legal action if something was found incorrect.”


    So has every AoL-er right to take legal action against the blog and the blog owner. So, why complain?

  7. Anonymous permalink
    July 5, 2010 7:29 pm

    I think the most important piece of information in this post is the following excerpt. I wish the media would publish it.

    “I saw right in front of me, people responsible for a particular trust openly discuss how to fudge the numbers and hide things from the auditor. The scale of what they were doing was big. From their discussion, I also came to know that not only SSRS was fully aware of these, he has instructed that it was OK to do so as it was for a good cause. The meeting went on for a while and I vividly remember how I felt during that meeting – disbelief, confusion, self-doubt, betrayal. The few other inner-circle volunteers for this trust who were in that meeting all distanced themselves from these trustees (and even AOL) by giving various excuses. But I stayed and tried to ignore these and just focus on self-knowledge.

    From then on, I started observing closely and after many years I am fully convinced that AOL is front-end name for a group of fraudulent NGOs. My lawyer tells me that what they are doing amounts to large-scale organized fraud according to the laws of several countries. “

  8. SelfSeeker permalink
    July 6, 2010 9:26 pm

    I think this post needs to stay on top of this blog for a few more days … it deserves being noticed by one and all considering a “path” and also by the media and any other corporations considering donations to AOL. I am shocked to learn about the collection targets, including the one for the university in Orissa.

    Disgusting and disgraceful AOL, shame on you.

    • Sincere Seeker permalink
      July 7, 2010 1:08 am

      I totally agree. This post should be the top post for a while.

      There was also another long comment in the previous post “AOL illegal financial practices”, to which I responded, which also deserves a separate post by itself.

    • July 7, 2010 9:22 am

      Point taken. The post will stay on top for some days to come, and the next post is probably the one Sincere Seeker is talking about.

    • Anonymous permalink
      February 13, 2011 11:28 am

      … Guys, what you´re doing here is of a priceless help to those who left aol and felt they were a failure. Reading so many things in common helps us to regain confidence and see that we are among the few ones -hopefully we will be more each day- that didn´t buy the whole brainwash -in every negative sense- that aol does to its followers.

      Regarding financial missuses… I remember a conversation with a int´l teacher whom very naively made a comment to me about one time in which she was able to spend an afternoon almost alone with RS while awaiting in an airport the arrival of a delayed flight. The airport they were Cayman Islands. How large is the number of aol devotees there -as per RS pay a visit? Or was it other type of “numbers” -hidden ones- what required not his presence but his signature? I´m not against people making money, Im against hypocrits that profit from exploiting a basic human right to spirituality. As Osho once said, beware of the guru of the spiritual leaders, for those are the most dangerous ones.

  9. srisri permalink
    July 8, 2010 4:48 pm


    Have you read/heard about the latest spat of SriSri with a underworld don of Bangalore. It is hilarious. Here is a link to the press statement that AOL issued after the spat started. Enjoy

  10. Peaceful Warrior permalink
    July 9, 2010 1:57 am

    Interesting indeed….so $$RS was given a land grant to set up an institute for promoting scholarship in veda – and he used it to set up his ashram and headquarters of his cult.

  11. profhughakston permalink
    July 9, 2010 10:50 am

    SSRS sucks! But Yoga and Meditation definitely helps a ton. Art of Living is attracting a lot of followers. Particularly YES!+ is growing exponentially. They are also backed heavily by the media. This following article appeared at

    ‘It doesn’t hurt that meditation has become ‘cool”

    What’s cool and what’s not changes every couple of generations. A change has come upon us, says Shwetal Rai, as she witnesses a phenomenon of ancient spritual practices creep silently into the lifestyles of the young and the restless.

    It all began with an eyesore…the cubicled atmosphere of plush air-conditioned offices, the ‘I am busy’ look my colleagues wore whenever they looked up from their work stations, the back-to-back meetings and incessant IMs…

    That’s when I knew I needed a vacation; a vacation from the mobile phone, from Outlook, from IM, from work, from fun, from Facebook, Twitter, blogging — from the noisy, task-laden vuvuzela that has become my life.

    While I mulled over the perfect vacation destination, an e-mail caught my fancy — a four-day meditation course promised me not just stress relief, but a deeper understanding of life and beyond. Bracing myself for the company of the silver-haired, I headed to the Art of Living International Centre in Bangalore to attend the meditation programme. What I saw there was bewildering and far removed from what I expected.

    A sprawling 20-something acre ashram with a magnanimous meditation hall, flanked by pristine, well-maintained landscapes greeted me. A sense of calm and peace pervaded the air despite the tremendous amount of activity taking place around me and people of all ages were checking in for various stress-busting programmes. “Welcome home,” said a volunteer at one of the registration desks as he handed me my name tag. Almost everyone I ran into had a lovely smile on their face. It was infectious — I couldn’t help but smile.

    The meditation hall was full; over 700 people were taking the same course that I had signed up for, most of them first-timers. I looked around and noticed that most of the participants were youth. People in their twenties and late thirties — young! I sighed. I wasn’t the only one who was stressed and admitted it!

    I got chatting with a couple of people (those who were repeating the programme) and was amazed at the cool they oozed and the joy they radiated. Most of them believed in meditating twice a day for 20 minutes at a time. “It’s the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle, and it doesn’t hurt that it’s become ‘cool’ to do so. A decade ago, practicing yoga and meditation would have been considered archaic and old-fashioned, but not anymore,” says Suman, an HR professional working with an MNC.

    The course did indeed focus heavily on a healthy lifestyle, with added emphasis on meditation. The yoga sessions began at 6 am and were followed by a light and healthy breakfast. This was followed by seva, an act of service. Even something as simple as chopping vegetables suddenly seemed so pleasurable. The rest of the day was filled with meditation and pearls of wisdom from the spiritual master, incredible stuff that we so often miss out on in the hustle and bustle of life. The evenings were nothing short of party time, with thousands of people singing and dancing to bhajans. A very different kind of nightlife I got to see!

    Speaking of health, 28-year-old Amit from Chandigarh told me about his life and drug dependence problem. He said that practicing meditation and the sudarshan kriya regularly have helped him overcome the addiction. “Spirituality comes as a breath of fresh air in an age where alcohol and drugs are so common. I experience a better high during meditation, that too without hangovers, so overcoming the addiction was almost a natural consequence,” he explained. I couldn’t help but gape. That’s when I remembered a very interesting quote by spiritual master Osho, “Meditation has only one meaning, and that is going beyond the mind and becoming a witness. In your witnessing is the miracle — the whole mystery of life.” And so many young people here were part of that miracle.

    “It is not about wearing a Shiva tee-shirt or a rudraksh mala as a fashion statement anymore,” says Pooja, a doctor from Bihar. “Today, spirituality has revived and those who aren’t meditating are the ones who are uncool.” Adding weight to Pooja’s opinion is the fact that numerous celebrities are climbing onto the yoga and meditation bandwagon. Even spirituality is now studded with glamour — Shilpa Shetty’s [ Images ] yoga videos are available at every music store, Clint Eastwood [ Images ] has acknowledged practicing transcendental meditation (TM) and Pullela Gopichand [ Images ] has vouched for Sudarshan Kriya. Even pragmatic and high-flying corporate honchos such as Venugopal Dhoot and Yash Birla meditate religiously everyday. It’s not rocket science figuring out that the effect trickles down to those working under them.

    While youngsters were getting a spiritual high out of the breathing exercises, I also spoke to a few older people who swore by meditation and other spiritual practices. “For a lot of youth, it starts as fad but when they really go through it sincerely, they realise its significance and practical applications, like how to handle the mind and emotion,” says Manoj, a businessman from Pune. “It is great to see so many young people come and sing, pray, meditate and understand spirituality,” adds 70-year-old Uma Devi. “They are also attracted to spirituality because it is interesting to know more about the unknown.”

    Four days of silence and nights of satsang (song and dance) later, when I emerged from the course, I felt truly refreshed. Meditation does have a calming effect on the mind and is truly soothing to the soul. Yet it baffled me, the sheer number of people adopting this way of life.

    What perhaps lends added credibility to meditation is the considerable amount of research conducted on its effects. From the times of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, science has taken the claims of those who practice it seriously. Research on the benefits of meditation and its impact has shown a marked change in lifestyle, health and mental wellness and productivity of longtime meditators.

    Spiritual guru and founder of The Art of Living, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “That which is useful to people, they will take. Take for example mobile phones; they have become such a common thing. Similarly, a technology, an art which brings some soothing benefit to people, they will go for.” That rings true!

    • July 10, 2010 6:24 am

      Enough now, professor. You tried to post the same comment again, under the next post on the blog. What is your point? Why spam us with the same comment, unless your intention is to divert people from the issue discussed on this blog? Come up with something new, or shut up.

  12. Svetana permalink
    July 10, 2010 6:09 am


    You write that “SSRS is sucks”, and you are sucks too, leaving the same skunk smell over and over on this blog.

    Nobody is denying here that Meditation and Yoga are good. But it is much better to learn them from a spiritual teacher, or, at least, at some Yoga Center, than from a fake “sucks” guru RS and his fraudulent organization AOL. To learn these techniques, it is not necessary to become a slave of any man, donating him and his family one’s time, money and life. So, please, do not try to divert attention of this blog readers from real issues discussed here.

    As for 700 people, who were taking this course with you, what does it prove? Crowds followed Hitler, as well. In this respect, let me also quote Osho here: “The crowd mind is the lowest mind in existence. It is the minimum sensibility, minimum consciousness, minimum love, minimum life. When you become part of a group, a mass, a collectivity, you surrender yourself, you say “Now the group exists, I am no more”. As an individual, you have committed suicide. Now you will think the way the crowd thinks, you will live the way the crowd lives. You will be obedient, a perfect slave…” . It is very easy to move these obedient slaves by people like Hitler or Ravi Shankar. They know how to deal with the crowd to achieve their shameful purposes, “while youngsters are getting a spiritual high out of the breathing exercises”. They know how to keep those youngsters under control, forming HJ (Hitler-Jugend), which was a huge organization at some time “also backed heavily by the media”, or trapping them in AOL with Yes+ courses.

    Yes, Meditations and Yoga are good things, but not at the cost of one’s FREEDOM. You cannot understand it, profhughakston. You are just a mechanical part of AOL crowd, a boring zombie. Or may be just a well-paid AOL employee?

    • mojo permalink
      July 10, 2010 7:45 pm

      Yes, Meditations and Yoga are good things, but not at the cost of one’s FREEDOM. You cannot understand it, profhughakston. You are just a mechanical part of AOL crowd, a boring zombie. Or may be just a well-paid AOL employee?


      hahahahahahahhaha……. do you think that AoL has the moral conscience to pay their employees well? Nope, these are zombies or maybe cunning( like SSSRSSS) using AoL data base to further their own business

  13. Peaceful Warrior permalink
    July 10, 2010 11:30 am

    You know same thing can be said about any religion. Initially it is about values, and making life better. But slowly, religion makes people zealots and fundamentalists. Same is true for AOL. It might be okay in the short run, but it is poison in the long run.

  14. anonymous permalink
    July 10, 2010 6:22 pm


    It’s interesting to hear another person compare SSRS to Hitler. I saw a piece on Leni Riefenstahl, the famous Nazi filmmaker, where she described her first meeting with Adolph Hitler. She described being mesmerized, as if in a trance, unable to speak. She said she could feel the power emanating from him in the room. When she left, she said she could not even believe she had agreed to whatever he asked, and said she had the feeling while with him ‘I would do anything for this man — he is so great’. Something like this. Who knows why Dictators and charismatic gurus are made in nature? But hearing that description made me cold inside — it sounded exactly like what people describe who see SSRS in a small room of people! And they don’t know why, just as Leni Riefensthal did not know why. This charisma is not enlightenment. It is whatever it is — the ability to make people think/feel you are great, to make them do whatever you wish them to do, and make them feel they are willing to do so without question. SSRS has accomplished this. I don’t think he is a mass murderer like Hitler. But he is a murderer of any kind of freedom sought by any individual coming to him. Those who came for Truth were lied to, and had their freedoms stripped away if they agreed with SSRS and went along with him. SSRS is a murderer of the Truth, of Satchitananda, of Love, of Beauty, all the while (like most dictators) saying that those are the very things he will give you if you just follow his teachings and agree with him! So there are marked similarities.

  15. Anonymous permalink
    April 4, 2011 7:12 am

    Though the AOL has its faults it has done more good than harm. Only certain people at the top are bad while most of the AOL teachers are good.

    • Really? permalink
      April 4, 2011 12:19 pm

      Do you want to sit quietly and watch while all the good teachers are being exploited and manipulated by those at the top? At least for the sake of the teachers, if not for the others, do you not want people like the bloggers here to speak out? There are these and many more reasons to continue to expose the frauds at the top of Aol. Please go through the posts here.

  16. Wow permalink
    June 19, 2012 3:29 pm

    i have a doubt.. How come the Government of India or the US, not keeping a check on this (the way they did with Ramdev’s accounting malpractises?)
    Either SSRS is wayy too smart and cautious, or is there really no “legal” fraud?

  17. Wow permalink
    June 19, 2012 3:33 pm

    I would really expect the likes of Digvijay Singh to get his taxmen after aol, especially after their current anti congress propaganda, and support to “Team Anna”.. Somebody please elaborate. Thanks 🙂

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