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Wikipedia Revisited -1984?

September 16, 2010

We have described before the deliberate attempts from AOL to manipulate Wikipedia entries on Ravi Shankar, and the Art of Living. This is the first post, and this post also describes the aol efforts to keep the web clean from aol critique. It sort of reminds me of the book “1984” by George Orwell, and the way history kept being re-written, in an extremely authoritarian regime. Now, as the lies about Ravi’s education starts surfacing, aol will be busy rewriting history once again.

The book also describes how censoring of language was used to manipulate the citizens. “Double-plus-good”, my friends! In my time in AOL, I experienced the same loading of language. We were encouraged to use “jai guru dev” for hellos as well as goodbyes, and anything in between, including expressions of dislike. Suddently it was frowned upon if you confessed to having a “problem”, because in AOL we didn’t have “problems”, only “challenges”. And shame on you if you “tried” to do something, because “trying” implied not “being 100%”.

Big Brother is watching you, of course, in 1984. See any similarites with having an allegedly omniscient Guru??
Read the book. It is dystopic and depressing, but very educational. And read also the latest initiatives below, from the AOL mind-police. Luckily, they seem to have been exposed on Wikipedia!

From Alex

date    Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 1:50 AM
subject    URGENT: please read :)hide details
Aug 20
Dear Ones,The response has been very good from your side, thank you so much. HOWEVER, please note the following: This is what one of my friends told me, who knows a lot about Wikipedia:
“So much enthusiasm! Some damage-control is needed and we need to reel this request in and slow down. We are now suspected of manipulating the article because of the repeat and the sudden burst of entries all at once (which was helpful to some extent). Could you send out follow-up e-mails asking people to:
1) space out their comments over the next four days (2 people/day right now). Please give people a day to post.
2) rewrite the comment in their own words.
3) make a couple of other edits somewhere on wikipedia So PLEASE be aware of this: maybe don’t make any new post today, only tommorow or the day after! And PLEASE check if the same comment has not been posted already! This is VERY important!!!Let’s make this a success. Besides this it would be great if you could make a few other changes on wikipedia somewhere else (maybe the pages about your city or country, or something), to make it look like you did not just come to vote for Guruji’s page.Thank you so much! Please contact me with any questions.

Jai Gurudev,

From Alex Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 12:56:05 +0530
Dear Ones,
I have sent this e-mail to you, because we urgently need some help (will only take a few minutes of your time) from people all over the world – and I have selected all of you, because I know you will be able to help me with this! 🙂 To summarize the ‘challenge’: Guruji’s page on Wikipedia keeps being moved back to ‘Ravi Shankar (spiritual leader)’, from ‘Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’. We, of course, would like him to be called ‘Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’. Because the page kept being moved back and forth by a few people, Wikipedia has made it into a ‘case’ :). We have up till the end of 21st August to put forward reasons FOR the page being called ‘Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’. Because it makes a much stronger stand, if different people from different countries put forward arguments FOR our case, we would like to request all of you to help us, by posting an argument. I have attached 18 arguments, please post the argument I have assigned to you (see list below). PLEASE CHECK BEFORE POSTING THAT THE ARGUMENT IS NOT YET THERE. This is e-mail is meant only for YOU, so please do not forward it to anyone else. If all of you help us, that should be more than sufficient. Please contact me for any clarifications! Thank you so much! 🙂 PLEASE LET ME KNOW ONCE YOU HAVE POSTED YOUR ARGUMENT. IT SHOULD BE DONE ASAP. Hope all of you are doing well!

Jai Gurudev,

Argument 1: Claudio
Argument 2: Tapio
Argument 3: Robert
Argument 4: Madhu
Argument 5: Bhamini
Argument 6: Misha
Argument 7: Eva
Argument 8: Neesha
Argument 9: Jeremy
Argument 10: Maite
Argument 11: Maksim
Argument 12: Massimo
Argument 13: Patrick
Argument 14: Anja
Argument 15: Alejandro
Argument 16: Gerlinde
Argument 17: James
Argument 18: Konstantin

  1. freethinker permalink
    September 16, 2010 9:05 pm

    Great now we are getting more concrete evidences that the AOL is manipulating the wiki pages for it’s own benefit. Which was already obvious just coming to light on how they are doing it and staging it.


    Could you also post the arguments (18 of them!) that AOL made to Wikipedia if you have? It would be interesting to know more about how AOL cult works?

  2. Guru-ouch permalink
    September 16, 2010 9:08 pm

    I came across this blog

    which i think is needed to be put added in the links to other blogs here

    • grateful_reader permalink
      September 17, 2010 4:41 pm

      its pretty impressive that this guy caught on to the aol fraud early on (before having taken a course). that’s really the only stage where you have a chance to see AOL for what it really is before it sucks you in.

  3. WhistleBlower permalink
    September 16, 2010 9:10 pm

    This is so revealing about AOL cult and the way they operate. Alex is Ravi’s Web admin and he is located in Bangalore Ashram. AOL smacks more of Mafia than a spiritual organization.

    Ravi, family and few lackeys have accumulated millions (in case of Ravi, perhaps billions) by way of deceiving public and portraying themselves as a charitable and educational organization.
    So this is serious business for them and truth, if it gets out, is very detrimental to their bottom line.
    And here are fools like Alex, deceiving themselves that they are doing seva, but in reality they have become agents of mafia, protecting $$$$ businesses of their mafia boss, betraying poor people, in whose name money was collected and then diverted to private interests and private businesses.

    They are so brainwashed that they can’t see the facts staring at their faces, the truth out in the internet, their boss’s extravagant spending of charity money. Instead of real seva and helping the poor, they have become agents of hiding the truth about someone who betrays the poor, by collecting funds in their names and accumulating them in Swiss bank accounts.

    I wonder if Wiki would be interested to see these instructions from AOL HQ and know AOL Modus operandi.

  4. mojo permalink
    September 17, 2010 1:04 am

    hahahaha!! they must be DYING of embarrassment!! Ravi and AoL look pathetic

  5. Peaceful Warrior permalink
    September 17, 2010 1:38 am

    If they let the criticism section stand, people won’t be bothered about tiny details like whether he is called sri sri or ravishankar. But they are so controlling of their image and cannot stand any criticism, hence the constant edit wars. Did someone say ” what you resists persists!”

  6. anon1 permalink
    September 17, 2010 3:40 pm

    some years ago there was a conflict of interest when it was revealed that the top most person in wikipedia is a follower of prem rawat

    hence he was viciously attacking and unrelentingly deleting all criticism about his guru on wiki.

    therefore you will never find anything negative on prem on there.

    i’ve mentioned this once before but since the topic is on wiki, i thought i’d repeat it.

  7. freethinker permalink
    September 17, 2010 5:57 pm

    Since Aug 23/24, this blog has had about 50 thosand hits for about 3+ weeks. Great going for little guys.

  8. Guru-ouch permalink
    September 17, 2010 7:22 pm

    another blogger who felt different about his AOL experiences

    • freethinker permalink
      September 17, 2010 9:08 pm

      That too five years back, he got of the cult much earlier than most other AOL folks and wrote about it.

  9. September 17, 2010 7:40 pm


    • freethinker permalink
      September 17, 2010 9:15 pm

      @READ THIS

      Yeah, it was bit boring without AOL lackeys for last few days. We all know aolstories blog which is linked here in this blog, instead why don’t tell us your story – what your thoughts on AOL, why are you there, if you can answer some of the lingering questions about AOL (look at the charges in “The Prosecutor” post) that would be great too. And yes do post link of this blog to your artoflivinglifestories and see they would dare to accept that comment there.

    • September 17, 2010 9:23 pm

      Friend, you seem to want to tell us something. I wonder what?

    • Genuine Seeker permalink
      September 19, 2010 5:09 am

      Hello Mr..

      Don’t think by posting the brainwashed people’s experiences here would change the minds of con -Aolers.. We understood the real face of AOl & Ravi. Wake up Man !!! Wake up.. See the world with your eyes and brain and with Ravi’s eyes.

    • Abhilash Shastry permalink
      September 19, 2010 6:46 am

      @READ THIS:

      Since you are so keen that we learn about Jaina Desai’s life story, would you please tell us why it is silent about her married life? After all, she had a major event in her married life that was caused by AOL.

      • Shallow waters permalink
        September 19, 2010 8:23 am

        @Abhilash Shastry,

        As far as i know, this is not due to AOL, Her first marriage unfortunately did not last long and we should not make fun of it. And that happened in very very early days when she had joined AOL, atleast before 2000. In those days AOL wasnt much forcing anybody in to seva and anyother traps. This is my assumption. I am not sure!

      • abhilash shastry permalink
        September 19, 2010 8:32 am

        @Shallow Waters:

        My intention was not to make fun of anyone’s personal life. Therefore, I had not explicitly mentioned it. Suffice it to say that Jaina’s over-involvement with AOL was not liked by her husband.

      • anon permalink
        September 19, 2010 1:25 pm

        I think abhilash brings up the important issue about the family. You hear the AOLities say to other AOLe’r “you better find your spouse within AOL” if they are about to be married or looking. Opposite is true, if you are married already and you can’t get your spouse in to the AOL cult, you likely to loose your marriage. AOL preaches master worship and AOL more important than family or immediate family member. This is very typical in many cults as well.

  10. Peaceful Warrior permalink
    September 17, 2010 8:18 pm

    Read it…so what’s your point ?

    The pro-AOL blogs you mentioned have been listed prominently on the right panel of this blog for a long long time.

  11. WhistleBlower permalink
    September 18, 2010 11:13 am

    AOL lackeys like robots repeat what their master SriSri has trained them to say in reply to any kind of criticism, i.e. refer ad nauseam to people’s good experiences from their breathing exercises!

    They don’t realize that the AOL “Original Sin” , (see: ) no longer works on those who have freed themselves from SriSri’s yoke of “good Kriya experience”! None of us think any good experience justifies fraud, deceit, diverting charity money to personal wealth, abuse, loss of freedom, slavery, etc., etc.

    Their lifestories counter-blog was created in response to our blog by SriSri’s nephew who is a financial beneficiary of AOL empire alongside his Mum, dad, brother and his uncle guru.

    In spite of repeated requests from AOL hierarchy for teachers to send their life stories and “good experiences” and indeed forcing all AOL teachers to fill up a form (See:
    to date only 30 people, majority of them PAID-AOL-teachers have sent their “good-experience” life-stories.

    Considering that Sad Swami was boasting about AOL having 10,000 teachers worldwide, this surely is a very poor turnout indeed. On top of this AOL claims that 300 MILLION people have done AOL courses worldwide!! In that case, for every TEN MILLION people who have done the course, only ONE person has come forward to talk about “how wonderful AOL/SriSri are” and is just too bad that majority of these have their livelihood dependent on AOL!!

    Let’s help AOL a bit here. How many of these 10,000 teachers are full-timers (i.e. get paid by AOL to teach AOL courses)? My suggestion to SriSri is to put their salary on hold till they send their “good-experiences” life story to his nephew’s damage-controlling blog! No story, no salary!! I bet that will aid the flow of good stories!

    To the rest of AOL teachers, I have this to say:
    A- Do you want your name to be permanently associated with a cult, for future employers, etc to see? Do you want to be associated with a cult guru that I foresee will be fully exposed by year 2012? This will happen in spite of TimesofIndia blocking any attempt to expose him at present. Internet power cannot be underestimated!

    B- Do you want to be an accomplice in a fraudulent scheme that collects huge amounts of money in the name of charity and spirituality and diverts these to personal wealth and businesses of Mr. Ravi Shankar and his family? Can you sleep well at nights, knowing you helped money which was meant for the poor ends up in Sumeru real estate and such? Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Do your own research. Ask your master to show you the books.

    C- Do you want to continue to slave away for free, so the guru and his family and few lackeys live a luxurious life style from your hard-earned money?

  12. Normal Person permalink
    July 18, 2011 9:52 am

    Hi dear ones.

    I-ve heard about this blog and wanted to take a look, cause im also a free thinker.

    I-ve made AOL course, and I really liked. I still continue dating girls, seeing my family, studying in university, working, and also taking lots of AOL courses.
    I go out at night, i still watch movies, travel around the world, and have beeing already 5 years of AOL. Also i continue relating fully with people ¨not AOL¨

    I see lots of acussations in this blog, but most of them are just assumptions and there is no clear evidence, nor nothing clear.

    So, if you have something concrete, it would be nice to see it…

  13. Normal Person permalink
    July 18, 2011 9:53 am

    I dont think you are going to post this…

    but if this blog is so ¨free¨in the way you criticize AOL for not being…. it is actually funny that you have to moderate the comments

  14. Harshal permalink
    July 18, 2011 10:41 am

    @Normal Person: now these people will start calling you AOL zombie brainwashed etc. Just wait and watch.

    of-course there are no proofs, hence they are anonymous. If they had any proofs, their masters(real people who operate this blog) would have come out in open.


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